
18 in stock

Cherry Salsa Gift Box

Cherry Salsa

Not just for dipping.  Our cherry salsa is delicious over fresh tilapia grilled to perfection.

12 oz net weight of something you can make a meal out of.

Cherry Topping

By far this year’s Cherry Festival favorite.  Hard to keep this in stock.  Once you taste this topping it will be difficult to eat ice cream without it.

Tart Cherry Jam

This Tart Cherry Jam is so good! Try this on top of cream cheese and a cracker with a nice bottle of wine. Great appetizer! For the less adventurous, on toast in the morning for breakfast is also delightful.

Dark Chocolate Covered Cherries

Always a favorite.

18 in stock



Product Life:

Our product has a three (3) year unopened shelf life.

Open refrigerated shelf life is one (1) year.

Our made date is on the bottom of the jar. The first 5 digit number segment is the year and day of the year our product was made.

Example: 17123 means the product was made in 2017 on day 123 of that year which is August 23, 2017.


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